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Medisan ; 25(3)2021. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1287303


Introducción: La sangre ovina constituye un suplemento esencial en la elaboración de medios de cultivo, dado que aporta factores nutricionales indispensables para el crecimiento y la recuperación de diversos microorganismos. Objetivo: Evaluar comparativamente el efecto de la sangre ovina, tanto citratada como desfibrinada, en medios de cultivo de base agar en cuanto al crecimiento bacteriano y la producción de hemólisis de cepas de referencia de diferentes bacterias patógenas, así como la recuperación o el aislamiento de microorganismos de muestras clínicas. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal en 6 laboratorios de microbiología de la ciudad de Santiago de Cuba durante el año 2017, en los cuales se empleó sangre de ovinos de la raza pelibuey, para la elaboración de medios de cultivo. A cada laboratorio se le suministró tanto sangre citratada como desfibrinada y se le entregó una encuesta para valorar los resultados. Resultados: Existió un mejor crecimiento y aislamiento bacteriano en el medio suplementado con sangre desfibrinada, a pesar de que el rendimiento o los resultados en el caso de la sangre citratada resultaron satisfactorios. Conclusiones: Se confirmó la pertinencia del uso de la sangre desfibrinada como suplemento de enriquecimiento nutritivo en medios de cultivo; no obstante, quedó demostrada la utilidad de la sangre citratada en la labor de rutina del laboratorio de microbiología clínica.

Introduction: Sheep blood is an essential supplement in the elaboration of culture media, as it provides important nutritional factors for the growth and recovery of different organisms. Objective: To evaluate comparatively the effect of sheep citrated and defibrinated sheep blood in culture media with agar base as for the bacterial growth and the production of hemolysis in reference strains from different pathogen bacteria, as well as the recovery or isolation of microorganisms from clinical samples. Method: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional was carried out in 6 microbiology laboratories in Santiago de Cuba city during 2017, in which male sheeps blood from the pelibuey breed for elaborating culture media. Each laboratory received either citrated blood or defibrinated and a survey was delivered to evaluate the results. Results: There was a better growing and bacterial isolation in the media supplemented with defibrinated blood, although yielding or results were favorable with citrated blood. Conclusions: The pertinence of the use of defibrinated blood as a supplement of nutritive enrichment in culture media was confirmed; however, the use of citrated blood was demonstrated in the routine work of the clinical microbiology laboratory.

Sheep , Bacterial Growth , Culture Media , Hemolysis
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 39(7): 476-480, July 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1040712


Bacteria of the genus Brachyspira can cause enteric diseases in poultry causing a decrease in productivity. The occurrence of this disease in chickens has already been verified in countries such as Australia, Italy, and the United States, but in Brazil, until now, epidemiological studies about Brachyspira sp. frequency were only carried out on pig farms. The objective of this study was to evaluate the presence of bacteria of the genus Brachyspira sp. through isolation and confirmation of the species Brachyspira pilosicoli, Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and Brachyspira intermedia using the qPCR technique. Samples from 110 hens aged from 35 to 82 weeks were collected, 40 were from commercial egg farms and 70 were from laying hens matrices. For the first evaluation, bacterial isolation was performed from the feces. Positive samples were submitted to qPCR to identify the three species proposed. Cecum fragments of the birds were collected and fixed in formaldehyde for histological evaluation and counting of goblet cells. Of the 110 samples, 48 characteristic isolates of Brachyspira (43.6%) were obtained and of these in qPCR 13 identified as B. hyodysenteriae (11.8%) and 5 all from the same farm as Brachyspira intermedia (4.5%), 2 samples were positive for both agents (1.8%) and 28 were not characterized by qPCR (25.5%). None histopathological lesions were observed in the chicken cecum and no significant statistical difference was noticed in the count of goblet cells of the positive hens. It can be evidenced by the occurrence of Brachyspira sp. in laying farms and hens in Brazil, with special relevance to Brachyspira intermedia that can be potentially pathogenic for these animals.(AU)

Bactérias do gênero Brachyspira podem ocasionar enfermidades entéricas em aves acarretando a queda de produtividade. A ocorrência desta enfermidade em galinhas já foi verificada em países como a Austrália, Itália e Estados Unidos, porém no Brasil, até o momento, trabalhos epidemiológicos sobre a frequencia de Brachyspira sp. só foram realizados em granjas de suínos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a presença de bactérias do gênero Brachyspira sp. através do isolamento e confirmação das espécies Brachyspira pilosicoli, Brachyspira hyodysenteriae e Brachyspira intermedia utilizando a técnica de qPCR. Foram coletadas amostras de 110 aves com idade entre 35 e 82 semanas, sendo 40 de granjas de postura comercial e 70 de granjas de matrizes de corte. Para avaliação primeiramente procedeu-se o isolamento bacteriano a partir das fezes. As amostras positivas foram submetidas a qPCR para identificação das três espécies propostas. Fragmentos de ceco das aves foram coletados e fixados em formol para avaliação histológica e contagem de células caliciformes. Das 110 amostras foram obtidos 48 isolamentos característicos de Brachyspira (43,6%) e destes na qPCR 13 identificadas como B. hyodysenteriae (11,8%) e 5 sendo todas da mesma granja (4,5%) como B. intermedia, 2 amostras foram positivas para ambos os agentes (1,8%) e 28 não foram caracterizadas através da qPCR (25,5%). Não foram observadas alterações histopatológicas no ceco e diferença estatística significativa na contagem de células caliciformes das aves positivas. Conclui-se que a Brachyspira sp. é frequente em granjas de poedeiras e matrizes de corte no Brasil, com especial relevância para a B. intermedia que possui potência patogênico para estas aves.(AU)

Animals , Spirochaetales/isolation & purification , Chickens/microbiology , Brachyspira hyodysenteriae/isolation & purification , Brachyspira/isolation & purification , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction/veterinary
Rev. biol. trop ; 65(4): 1527-1539, Oct.-Dec. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-897640


Abstract Currently, nitrogen has become the main element of water pollution, causing riverine, lacustrine and coastal eutrophication. The continuous contamination of aquifers and the absence of planned water resource utilization, boost its scarcity, and has been the only way in which our societies become aware of the urgent need to process the generated wastewater. The objective of this research was to evaluate the nitrifying capacity of different autochthonous bacterial isolates from soils from nearby sources of domestic wastewater drainage. For this, bacteria were isolated from Pirro River, contaminated with nitrogen of domestic sewage. Nitrifying bacteria were counted by serial dilution and agar plates, and were isolated until obtaining axenic colonies. These were identified by biochemical batteries or genetic sequencing, and the quantification of their nitrifying capacity was obtained by the methods 4500- NH4 + -F and 4500-NO-2-B, all between September 26, 2011 and March 16, 2014. A total of seven strains of nitrifying microorganisms were isolated and purified, including four Streptomyces sp., one Pseudomonas putida, one Sphingomonas sp. and one Aeromonas sp. We found that there were 2.23 x 105 UFC/g of soil of ammonium oxidizing bacteria and 2.2 x 104 CFU/g of soil of nitrite oxidizing bacteria in the samples. The quantification of the nitrifying capacity of the strains by colorimetric methods, determined that the maximum ammonium removal capacity was 0.050 mg N/L/day and 0.903 mg N/L/day of nitrite. The collection of few strains of nitrifying organisms and a low CFU count, can be attributed to the technique used, since this only recovers 1 % of the microorganisms present in a sample, which, however, is acceptable for studies which main purpose is to obtain cultivable microorganisms. Future research should consider removal tests with higher ammonium and nitrite levels, to find the maximum capacity of the isolated microorganisms, and evaluate their potential use in wastewater treatment systems.

Resumen El suelo es la matriz fundamental donde suceden las reacciones químicas y biológicas que permiten el desarrollo de la vida en la tierra, y donde ocurren procesos fundamentales como la mineralización de los elementos y la fijación del nitrógeno. Hoy en día el nitrógeno se ha transformado en uno de los principales elementos contaminantes de los cuerpos de agua, causando consecuencias como la eutrofización de ríos, lago y costas. En los ambientes acuáticos, el nitrógeno puede ser encontrado en forma de amonio N-NH4 +, nitritos N-NO2 -o nitratos N-NO3 -, los cuales pueden ser utilizados por las bacterias nitrificantes amonio y nitrito oxidantes y desnitrificantes para su crecimiento y consecuente remoción. Esta investigación se planteó como objetivo evaluar la capacidad nitrificante de diferentes aislamientos bacterianos autóctonos, aislados de suelos cercanos a fuentes de vertido de aguas residuales de tipo doméstico para su potencial uso en sistemas de tratamiento de aguas residuales. Se realizó el recuento de bacterias nitrificantes por la técnica de dilución seriada y siembra en placas de agar mínimo mineral, su aislamiento por repique en placa hasta obtener colonias axénicas, su identificación por medio de baterías bioquímicas o secuenciación genética y la cuantificación de su capacidad nitrificante por los métodos 4500- NH4 +-F y 4500- NO- 2-B, entre el 26/09/2011 y 16/03/2014; las bacterias fueron aisladas de un punto del río Pirro contaminado con nitrógeno de aguas residuales de tipo doméstico. Se lograron aislar y purificar siete cepas de microorganismos nitrificantes entre las que se encuentran cuatro de Streptomyces sp., una de Pseudomonas putida, una de Sphingomonas sp. y una de Aeromonas sp. Se encontró que existen 2.23 x105 UFC/g de suelo de bacterias amonio oxidantes y 2.2 x104 UFC/g de suelo de las nitrito oxidantes. La cuantificación de la capacidad nitrificante de las cepas por medio de los métodos colorimétricos determinó que la capacidad máxima de remoción de amonio es de 0.050 mg N/L/día y la de nitrito en 0.903 mg N/L/día. La obtención de pocas cepas de organismos nitrificantes y un bajo recuento de UFC se puede atribuir a la técnica empleada, ya que esta solo recupera un 1 % de los microorganismos presentes en una muestras, lo cual sin embargo, es aceptable para estudios que tienen como objetivo la obtención de microorganismos cultivables. Se recomienda realizar ensayos de remoción con niveles de amonio y nitrito más altos para hallar la capacidad máxima de los microorganismos aislados.

An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 50(2): 51-66, may-ago. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-884517


Introducción: Los objetivos de este trabajo son: presentar los métodos de estudio de las infecciones urinarias actualmente disponibles en el Laboratorio de Microbiología del Hospital de Clínicas y mostrar los datos de los urocultivos evaluados en forma retrospectiva. Materiales y Métodos: Para estudiar los métodos de estudio de los urocultivos disponibles en el Laboratorio hemos recurrido al archivo del Laboratorio cuyos datos fueron consecutivamente cargados en una planilla de procesamiento de datos Excel de Microsoft Office ®. Los resultados de los urocultivos fueron evaluados de enero de 2015 a agosto de 2016, en forma retrospectiva, observacional, en corte transverso, de los adultos de ambos sexos. Las muestras para urocultivo son recibidas y procesadas en el laboratorio, siguiendo pasos preestablecidos. Resultados: El microorganismo preponderante de los urocultivos fue Escherichia coli (60% de las mujeres y 32% de los varones) seguido por Klebsiella pneumoniae (19% de los varones, 14% de las mujeres). Otros microorganismos aislados fueron Candida sp., Enterococcus faecalis, Enterobacter cloacae, Pseudomona aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Acinetobacter baumanii. La resistencia de Escherichia Coli a nitrofurantoína fue del 6% en los varones y 1% en las mujeres. La resistencia de E.Coli a meropenen fue también escasa. En cuanto a Klebsiella pneumoniae en las mujeres, la resistencia fue del 3%. En los hombres, los antibióticos testados para Klebsiella pneumoniae mostraron una resistencia superior al 30%, con excepción del meropenem. Uropatógenos productores de betalactamas de espectro extentido (BLEE) y de carbapenemasas fueron detectados en el presente estudio. Discusión: La toma de la orina para el urocultivo se efectúa siguiendo pautas claras, emanadas del laboratorio. Con la utilización de medios actualmente disponibles en el laboratorio, es posible tipificar el género y la especie tanto de bacterias Gram negativas y positivas como de hongos. Conclusión: La estructura del Laboratorio de Microbiología ha tenido avances que permiten la identificación precisa de los gérmenes de los urocultivos, así como la prevalencia y la resistencia que presentan a ciertos antibióticos. Estos aportes son particularmente útiles para los casos de Escherichia coli y Klebsiella pneumoniae debido a su alta prevalencia. También fue factible constatar la emergencia de gérmenes productores de betalactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE) y carbapenemasas.

Introduction: The objectives of this work are: to present the methods of study of urinary infections currently available in the Laboratory of Microbiology of the Hospital de Clínicas and to show the data of the urine cultures evaluated retrospectively. Material and method: in order to study the available methods in urine cultures in the Laboratory, we have used the laboratory file whose data were consecutively loaded in an Excel data processing form of Microsoft Office ®. The results of the urine cultures were evaluated from January 2015 to August 2016, in a retrospective, observational, cross-sectional study of adults of both sexes. Samples for urine culture are received and processed in the laboratory, following pre-established steps. Results: The predominant microorganisms were Escherichia coli in 60% of women and 32%of men, Klebsiella pneumonia 19% of men and 14% of women. Other isolated organisms were Candida sp., Enterococcus faecalis, Enterobacter cloacae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Acinetobacter baumanii. Escherichia coli resistance to nitrofurantoin was seen in 6% of men and 1% of women and meropenem resistance to E. coli was also low. As for Klebsiella pneumoniae in women, resistance to meropenem was seen in 3% of cases. In men, the antibiotics tested for Klebsiella pneumoniae showed resistance greater than 30% except for meropenem. Uropathogens producing Extended-Spectrum -lactamase (ESBL ) and Carbapenemase were found. Discussion: Urine collection for urine culture is done following clear guidelines emanating from the laboratory. With the use of media currently available in the laboratory, it is possible to typify the genus and species of both Gram negative and positive bacteria as well as fungi. Conclusion: The structure of the Laboratory of Microbiology has had advances that allow the precise identification of the germs of the urine cultures, as well as the prevalence and resistance to certain antibiotics. These contributions are particularly useful for the cases of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae due to their high prevalence. It was also possible to verify the emergence of spread spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) and carbapenemases.

Rev. chil. infectol ; 29(6): 672-676, dic. 2012. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-665572


Introduction: Neutropenia is one of the most common complications in children with cancer, and it's the most important parameter to determine infection risk. In neutropenic patients the signs and symptoms could be scarce and in occasions fever could be the only symptom. For these reasons all patients with febrile neutropenia (FN) should be considered as if they had a possibly severe disease. Aim: To describe the clinical characteristics and laboratory parameters observed in cancer patients with FN attended at our hospital to perform a more rational management of this complication in the future. Patients and Methods: The clinical files accumulated during 36 months, belonging to patients aged 0 to 15 years that were hospitalized because of cancer and FN were reviewed. Results: In this series the source of fever was found in 48.6% of 105 NF episodes, and bacteria were isolated from blood or urine culture in 38%. The most frequent bacterial species recovered were methicillin susceptible S. aureus (20.8%) and ESBL negative E. coli (20.8%). Piperacillin/tazobactam was the most used first line antibiotic prescribed (87.6%) and meropenem was the second choice (18%). Granulocyte colony stimulating factor was used in 61.9% of the cases and episodes mortality rate was 6.7%. Conclusion: Clinical characteristics and bacteriological findings in our institution do not differ significantly from what has been described for pediatric cancer patients in other series.

Introducción: La neutropenia es una de las complicaciones más comunes en los niños con cáncer y el principal parámetro para determinar el riesgo de infección. Además, en estos pacientes los signos clínicos de infección pueden ser escasos y en ocasiones la fiebre es la única manifestación, por lo que todo paciente neutropénico y febril se debe manejar como si presentara una posible infección grave. Objetivo: Describir el comportamiento clínico y de laboratorio de los pacientes con neutropenia febril (NF) atendidos en nuestra institución para racionalizar el manejo futuro de esta complicación. Pacientes y Métodos : Se revisó los registros clínicos acumulados durante un período de 36 meses, de todos los pacientes de 0 a 15 años internados por cáncer y NF. Resultados: En este estudio se encontró el foco infeccioso en 48,6% de 105 episodios y se logró aislamiento bacteriano por hemocultivos y/o urocultivo en 38%. Las bacterias encontradas con mayor frecuencia fueron S. aureus sensible a meticilina (20,8%) y E. coli no productora de BLEE (20,8%). El antimicrobiano de primera línea más usado fue piperacilina/tazobactam (87,6%) y de segunda línea meropenem (18%). Se usó factor estimulante de colonias de granulocitos en 61,9% de los pacientes. La mortalidad asociada a estos episodios fue de 6,7%. Conclusión: Las características clínicas y hallazgos de laboratorio en nuestra institución no difieren mayormente de lo descrito en población pediátrica en otras series.

Adolescent , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Male , Fever/etiology , Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections/etiology , Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections/etiology , Neoplasms/complications , Neutropenia/etiology , Neoplasms/drug therapy , Retrospective Studies
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 31(8): 667-671, ago. 2011. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-602152


No presente estudo coletaram-se 115 amostras de líquido articular e peri-articular de suínos com suspeita clínica de doença articular oriundos de maternidade (30,43 por cento), creche (44,35 por cento) e crescimento/terminação (25,22 por cento) de Sistemas Intensivos de Produção de Suínos (SIPs) para avaliação microbiológica e molecular. Observaram-se 57 (49,5 por cento) amostras positivas em pelo menos uma das técnicas. No isolamento microbiano, 39,13 por cento das amostras foram positivas, sendo Streptococcus spp. (19,72 por cento), Arcabobacterium pyogenes (18,13 por cento) e Escherichia coli (12,68 por cento) os mais frequentes, havendo também a presença de Candida sp. (2,6 por cento). Na técnica de Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR), em 20 por cento das amostras foram detectados microrganismos com uma maior ocorrência de Mycoplasma hyosinoviae (34,09 por cento), Erysipelotrix tonsilarum (20,45 por cento) e Haemophilus parasuis (15,90 por cento). Os microrganismos mais frequentemente isolados em animais com artrite, apresentaram distribuição em todas as faixas etárias, entretanto a fase de crescimento/terminação apresentou maior percentual (69 por cento) de amostras positivas. Streptococcus spp. ocorreu em todas as fases sendo o microrganismo mais detectado. M. hyosinoviae foi observado principalmente em animais de creche. Na fase de crescimento/terminação as bactérias predominantes foram A. pyogenes, H. parasuis e E. tonsilarum. Aproximadamente metade dos casos foi negativo o que indica a provável ocorrência de processos degenerativos como a osteocondrose, embora a participação de infecções articulares e peri-articulares possam representar grandes perdas com menor ou maior impacto dependendo da fase de criação. Problemas articulares e/ou peri-articulares de origem infecciosas foram encontrados em todas as propriedades estudadas. O principal agente foi M. hyosynoviae, principalmente na creche, porém não se pode descartar o envolvimento de problemas degenerativos em associação.

In this study, 115 samples of articular and peri-articular liquid from swine with clinical suspected disease were collected from farrow (30.43 percent), nursery (44.35 percent) and growing-finishing (25.22 percent) phases of Intensive Pig Production Systems (IPPSs) for microbiological and molecular evaluation. A total of 57 (49.5 percent) samples was positive for at least one test. In bacterial isolation, 39.13 percent were positive, with highest frequency of Streptococcus spp. (19.72 percent), Arcanobacterium pyogenes (18.13 percent) and Escherichia coli (12.68 percent), and in some cases the fungus Candida sp. (2.6 percent). In the polymerase chain reaction test, 20 percent of the samples were positive mostly for Mycoplasma hyosinoviae (34.09 percent), Erysipelotrix tonsilarum (20.45 percent) and Haemophilus parasuis (15.90 percent). Almost all microorganisms were distributed over every growth phase, with a higher percentage of cases in the growing-finishing phase (69 percent). Streptococcus spp. were the principal microorganisms detected and were frequent in all phases. M. hyosinoviae was predomiant in the nursery phase. In the growing-finishing phase, A. pyogenes, H. parasuis and E. tonsilarum were predominant. About half of the cases were negative, what probably indicates degenerative processes like osteochondrosis; however articular and peri-articular infections still represent great economic losses with more or less impact depending on the growing phase of the pigs. Articular and peri-articular infectious problems were found in all herds analyzed. M. hyosinoviae mainly in nursery phase, however associated with degenerative processes, could not be excluded.

Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-508230


The present work aimed to determine the oral microbiotic composition of snakes from São José do Rio Preto city, São Paulo State, Brazil. Ten snake species, comprising the families Boidae, Colubridae, Elapidae and Viperidae, were submited to microbiological examination of their oral cavity, which indicated positivity for all buccal samples. Gram-negative bacilli, gram-negative cocci bacilli, grambacilli and gram-positive cocci were isolated from the snakes. Among isolated bacterium species, the occurrence of coagulase-negative staphylococci in the buccal cavity of Crotalus durissus (Viperiade), Eunectes murinus (Boidae), Mastigodryas bifossatus (Colubridae) and Bacillus subtilis, common to oral cavity of Bothrops alternatus (Viperidae) and Phalotris mertensi (Colubridae), was detected. It was observed higher diversity of isolated bacteria from the oral cavity of Micrurus frontalis (Elapidae) and Philodryas nattereri (Colubridae), as well as the prevalence of gram-positive baccillus and gram-positive cocci. The composition of the oral microbiota of the studied snakes, with or without inoculating fangs, is diverse and also related to the formation of abscesses at the bite site in the victims of the ophidian accidents, and to pathogenic processes in the snakes that host these microorganisms

Animals , Boidae , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Mouth/microbiology , Colubridae , Viperidae , Brazil
Rev. cient. (Maracaibo) ; 17(1): 28-38, feb. 2007. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-630998


Con el fin de conocer el patrón de susceptibilidad antimicrobial en la población equina activa, se extrajeron treinta y ocho muestras de lavados traqueo-bronquiales trans-endoscópico de equinos alojados en el hipódromo Nacional de Santa Rita ubicado en municipio Santa Rita del estado Zulia, Venezuela; de ambos sexos, adultos, sin lesiones y sin evidencia clínica de ninguna enfermedad respiratoria, seleccionados al azar; dichas secreciones obtenidas fueron remitidas al laboratorio bacteriológico para su cultivo y antibiograma, donde se probaron 25 antimicrobianos diferentes, para pruebas de susceptibilidad antimicrobiana. En todos los ejemplares muestreados se aisló al menos una bacteria aeróbica. Hubo aislamientos mixtos de dos o tres bacterias, lo más común fueron los aislamientos dobles (68,42%); de las especies bacterianas aisladas con mayor frecuencia la Pseudomona aeruginosa 28 veces (73,68%), Escherichia coli 13 veces (32,21%) y Klebsiella pneumoniae 10 veces (26,32%). Se realizaron tablas de frecuencias para la proporción de susceptibilidad de las bacterias respiratorias a los agentes antimicrobiales, con el procedimiento FREQ para el cálculo de frecuencias del SAS. Se determinó que la P. aeruginosa y la E. coli fueron sensibles a 11 y resistentes a 14 antimicrobianos de los 25 antimicrobianos probados in vitro; la K. pneumoniae fue sensible a 19 antimicrobianos y solo resistente a 6 de los 25 antimicrobianos probados in vitro. La P. aeruginosa y la E. coli fueron sensibles a dos de los tres aminoglicósidos probados, en cambio la K. pneumoniae fue sensible a los tres aminoglicósidos. La mayoría de las cepas de estas bacterias aeróbicas conseguidas en este hipódromo, fueron resistentes a los b-lactámicos, combinaciones de ellos o cefalosporinas (de primera y segunda generación).

With the purpose of knowing the antimicrobial susceptibility pattern in the active equine population, thirty eight samples of traqueo-bronchial trans-endoscopic washings were extracted of horses housed in the Santa Rita National Race Track located in Santa Rita Municipality of the Zulia State, Venezuela; of both sexes, adults, without injuries and clinical evidence of any pulmonary disease, selected at random; these obtained secretions were sent to the bacteriological laboratory for their culture and antibiotic test, where 25 different antibiotics were proven, for tests of antimicrobial susceptibility. In all the units samples at least one aerobic bacterium was isolated. There were mixed isolations of two or three bacteria, commonest were the double isolations (68; 42%); of the isolated bacterial species most frequently were the Pseudomona aeruginosa 28 times (73; 68%), Escherichia coli 13 times (32; 21%) and Klebsiella pneumoniae 10 times (26; 32%).Tables of frequencies for the proportion of susceptibility of the respiratory bacteria to the antimicrobiales agents were made with procedure FREQ for the calculation of frequencies of the SAS. Was determined that the P. aeruginosa and the E. coli were sensible to 11 and resistant to 14 antibiotics of 25 antibiotics proven in vitro; the K. pneumoniae was sensible to 19 antibiotics and single resistant to 6 of 25 antibiotics proven in vitro. The P. aeruginosa and the E. coli sensible to two of the three were aminoglicosids proven ones; however the K. pneumoniae was sensible to the three aminoglicósidos ones. Most of the stocks of these obtained aerobics bacteria in this race course, were resistant to the b-lactámics, combinations of them or cefalosporinas (of first and second generation).

Cienc. tecnol. salud vis. ocul ; (6): 61-69, ene.-jun. 2006. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-552409


A nivel ocular, gran cantidad de microorganismo generan infección; la falta de cultivos bacteriológicos en la práctica oftalmológica, puede conllevar a un subregistro de los agentes etiológicos bacterianos causantes de las infecciones extra oculares, debido a que estos no se identifican. En este artículo se reportan seis especies bacterianas aisladas de pacientes con infección extra ocular, algunas sin reporte previo; se relaciona el diagnostico clínico presuntivo y la susceptibilidad encontrada frente a los antibióticos comúnmente utilizados en el campo oftalmológico. Para esto se evaluaron bacteriológicamente 286 muestras oculares, de pacientes con diagnostico clínico de conjuntivitis, se realizó coloración de Gram, cultivos bacterianos y pruebas de susceptibilidad. El análisis estadístico se realizó en los programas EPI-INFO y ESTATA 6,0. De los 286 cultivos realizados se aislaron 177 microorganismos, de los cuales se identificaron 6 géneros microbianos, poco asociados a infecciones del segmento anterior algunos sin reporte previo en la literatura, Enterococcus (n=6) y S. Grupo D no enterococo (n=3), Alcaligenes feacalis (n=3), Citrobacter sp (n=2), Kluyvcra ascorbata (n=2) y Chryseobacterium meningosepticum (n=1). Con respecto a la resistencia, Trimethoprim Sulfamethoxazole (SXT), Cephalothin (CF) y Tobramicina (NN) fueron los antibióticos frente a los cuales se observó una mayor resistencia. A partir de los resultados obtenidos se hace necesario implementar cultivos y antibiogramas en la práctica oftálmica con el fin de identificar y documentar estos microorganismos, y poder relacionarlos, según su frecuencia, con diversas patologías oculares, que además de determinar la implicación definitiva como patógenos oculares también contribuya al estudio de los cambios en la epidemiologia de las infecciones, y al monitoreo de las variaciones en la sensibilidad y resistencia bacteriana.

A great number of microorganisms produce infections in the eyes. The lack of bacteriologiccultures in the ophthalmic practice may lead to anunder registration of bacterial etiological agentswhich cause infections outside the eyes, due to theyare not identified. This article reports six isolatedbacterial species in patients with infections outsidethe eyes, some without previous report; and it alsomentions the presumptive clinic diagnosis and thesusceptibility found in front of the commonly usedantibiotics in the ophthalmic field. 286 eye sampleswere bacteriologically evaluated from patients witha clinic diagnosis of conjunctivitis; Gram coloration,bacterial cultures and susceptibility tests were made.The statistical analysis was made in EPI-INFO andESTATA 6.0 programs. Out of the 286 cultures, 177microorganisms were isolated, from which 6microbial genres were identified, not very associatedto infections in the anterior segment, some withoutany pervious report in literature, Enterococcus(n=6), S.Group D no enterococcus (n=3), Alcaligenesfeacalis (n=3), Citrobacter sp (n=2), Kluyveraascorbata (n=2) and Chryseobacterium meningosepticum(n=1). Regarding resistance, Trimethroprimsulfamethoxazole (SXT), Cephalotin (CF), and Tobramicina(NN) were the antibiotics which organismspresented a higher resistance. Based on the results,it is necessary to implement cultures andantibiograms in the ophthalmic practice in order toidentify and document these microorganisms; to beable to relate them with different eye pathologies byits frequency; to determine the definite implicationas eye pathogens; and to contribute also to the studyof the changes in the epidemiology of infections andto the monitoring of sensibility variations andbacterial resistance.

Disease Susceptibility , Gram-Negative Bacteria , Gram-Positive Bacteria
China Biotechnology ; (12)2006.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-684929


There are similarities between magnetotactic bacteria and Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans (A. ferrooxidans) which isolated from Acid mine drainage(AMD). The weak magnetotaxis of some bioleaching bacteria isolated were found by microscope. A magnetophoresis apparatus was designed based on these weak magnetotaxis and be used to analysis the movement of these strains. The physiological properties of the anear magnetic field strain and removed magnetic field strain which isolated successfully by magnetophoresis apparatus have large difference. The nanometer magnetic particles was extract from the Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans which purified by spread plate method from AMFS and its main elements are Fe and O by energy spectrum analysis. The results show that A. ferrooxidans have weak magnetotaxis and can be isolated by magnetophoresis. With the development of this new isolating method, the research of magnetotactic bacteria and bioleaching will get more benefit from it.